“I’ve used a range of Bondor products for a number of years now, and knew that LuxeWall® could offer ultimate comfort and energy control which addressed our climate and weather concerns,” Leigh said.
“We used Bondor insulated panels at the back of the house to protect it from the Tassie wind, which keeps the house warm in the harsh winters, as well as protecting against wear and tear from the salt.”
“Given the home is also located on quite an elevated block of land, this does make getting building products on-site and built quickly rather challenging.
“Bondor makes these challenging builds that much easier as the panels lift and fit into place and can be installed by our carpenters.
“The chippy’s are so familiar with it now that LuxeWall® is a no-brainer on new builds as it’s so easy to use,” he said.
The interlocking wall panels also reduce energy usage for heating and cooling due to its superior thermal performance, with a contemporary finish which also elevates the home’s look and design.
“The addition of natural timber creates a beautiful visual contrast between the exterior brick façade and the LuxeWall® panels on the second level, which pairs nicely with the garage,” Leigh said.
LuxeWall® is CodeMark Certified and conforms to NCC requirements and Australian Standards, it is also available with a mineral wool core which can achieve BAL40, BALFZ and be used as a Boundary Wall Option.